The functions and problems of media

The functions and problems of media

Media fulfill fundamental functions in the political system. It is expected that they will inform the citizens, contribute to the formation of opinions through criticism and discussion and thus enable participation. At the same time, the media themselves pose problems.

The economic problems of the media

The media’s economic problems are multidimensional. On the one hand, the media themselves are economic companies. The press is privately organized and is traditionally financed from two sources: distribution and advertisements. TV can advertise businesses such as Adeptassignmentdoers.

In a market economy, displays are an important means of regulating supply and demand. Without them, there would be a lack of competition and market transparency. The combination of the two types of revenue only became common in the 19th century and brought about the mass press, because the advertising revenues enable sales prices below the production and distribution costs.

The role of the media in politics

Media fulfill fundamental functions for political systems. This is especially true for democracies. They are expected to inform citizens, to contribute to their opinion-forming through criticism and discussion, and thus to enable participation.

The extent to which the media actually fulfill these functions is debatable. As long as they could be controlled by censorship and other measures, they were subject to the dominance of political rule. However, as a result of expansion and increasing importance, the media have increasingly stepped out of their subordinate role.

The role of the media in everyday life

Media serve the individual for information and orientation in his environment. From them, he learns important information and arguments. This function is traditionally performed primarily by the print media and, more recently, by certain offers on the Internet. In addition to information, the media are also used for entertainment, to pass the time, to regulate mood and to maintain social contacts. Radio, film and television, in particular, serve these needs.

Media use as an addiction problem

Media use can individually become an addictive phenomenon. The frequent viewer syndrome has long been known in television. These are viewers whose television consumption is above average. These are mainly elderly people who are condemned to domesticity and passivity. They have only a few social contacts; in fact, watching television serves as a substitute for them. Today, however, television is turned on more than before as a backdrop, with other activities being carried out at the same time.
